NovaBACKUP Data Protection Blog | Helping You Keep Your Data Safe

6 Ways to Make Sure Your Business is Disaster Proof

Written by Arianna Carter | Aug 24, 2016 3:57:41 PM

The “it won’t happen to me” mindset is the worst one to have when you’re running a small business. With tropical depressions over the Atlantic, wildfires terrorizing Southern California, and the devastation in Louisiana the threat of natural disasters are up close, personal, and more real than ever.

As we all know, nature rarely plays nice and never responds the way we hope it will. In the event that your business is hit with a disaster, are you prepared?

With limited resources and a tight budget, a disaster recovery plan can be difficult to implement, and let’s be honest there are a lot of factors to consider. Along with the primary concerns of a disaster: data loss, property destruction, and damage to assets and capital, there are also some secondary concerns. Secondary concerns include power outages, employees being unable to make it in, and costs to repair.

However, all of these concerns are not specific to every industry. When thinking about disaster recovery it’s easy to become overwhelmed so it’s very important to assess your individual risks and proceed accordingly.  Understanding that something like nature can affect your small business in a major way is definitely the first step.

A good disaster recovery plan consists of a few critical components:

  • Proper preparation including understanding your individual risks, assets, and liabilities.
  • Insurance coverage is specific to your area and needs.
  • A data backup plan that includes an offsite location.
  • Your backups have been tested and are ready to restore when necessary.
  • A detailed written recovery plan that all employees are familiar with and ready to execute.
  • Flexible options for employees following a disaster in the event they’re unable to commute to work or injury due to the disaster.

Here at NovaBACKUP, we’ve got your data covered. Give us a call today and let’s work together to make sure your business’ critical information is prepared for whatever nature brings your way.

Visit NovaBACKUP to learn more about all-inclusive backup solutions for your small business.

Visit the US Small Business Administration for more information about protecting your small business in the event of a natural disaster.